Humanity’s Team Invites You
Posted on 27. Dec, 2012 by Dee Meyer in Contact Us, Current Events & News
If ever there were a moment in history when spiritual activism is important, it is now. Challenges can be found in every direction every day.
We hope you are drawing some comfort that Humanity’s Team is rising to the challenge by: leading efforts that call attention to our Oneness with God and each other, focusing on humanitarian assistance, catalyzing business reform so we create a more compassionate and sustainable planet and so much more.
In Oneness we see God/Divinity/Spirit in each person and all of life and we come into compassionate service to each other and the world around us. We believe this is the holiday message and we focus on this message year-round through our global outreach.
If you resonate with our work we invite you to invest in it as part of your holiday giving plans. You can do so by depressing this link
We must raise only 10% of our budget from you, other teammates and the public. The balance is donated by our volunteer community.
To invest in Humanity’s Team global outreach, depress this link to donate now
To listen to a brief invitation from Steve Farrell, Humanity’s Team Worldwide Coordinating Director, click on the video below. Holiday Message and Invitation from Humanity’s Team