Website launched

09/07/2013 12:24

Dear visitors!

You are most welcome to share. As loving human beings we have the preveliege to support each other when needed. That is why we are loving fellow citizens. In this mission we will be the lights in the darkness for each other, supporting, listening, advising and just be there for each other. Your helping hand could be the difference between life and death and help the sick to heal. You could be just that old good Samaritan in our  time:

“There was once a man who was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho when robbers attacked him, stripped him, and beat him up, leaving him half dead. 31 It so happened that a priest was going down that road; but when he saw the man, he walked on by on the other side. 32 In the same way a Levite also came there, went over and looked at the man, and then walked on by on the other side. 33 But a Samaritan who was traveling that way came upon the man, and when he saw him, his heart was filled with pity. 34 He went over to him, poured oil and wine on his wounds and bandaged them; then he put the man on his own animal and took him to an inn, where he took care of him. 35 The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Take care of him,’ he told the innkeeper, ‘and when I come back this way, I will pay you whatever else you spend on him.’” (Luke 10:30-35)

How can we learn to be good Samitarians today? My answer is: by being your self and listen to your inner voice!